You take great care of your teeth, including regular dental checkups, professional cleaning, and teeth bleaching or teeth whitening services such as the Phillips Zoom teeth whitening system.
But what happens after your dental visits? In this guide, we explore the top healthy practices to keep your teeth stain-free and shining bright all year round.
Teeth Whitening Service
Professional teeth bleaching using the Phillips Zoom Teeth Whitening system is a proven, safe and reliable way to transform your pearly whites into the Hollywood-ready smile. For those with stained teeth, a teeth whitening service performed by a licensed dentist is the first step to creating a smile you’ll be proud to show off.
Oral Hygiene
Just because you now have shiny bright white teeth doesn’t mean you can skimp on dental care and good oral health practices. Brushing at least twice daily, and also ideally after eating, as well as flossing, can aid in keeping your pearly whites shining brightly while protecting them from deterioration, cavities and decay.
Food and Drink
One of the major causes of tooth stains is our diet. Certain foods and drinks can stain teeth, reversing all of your hard work and care. Common culprits include:
- Coffee and tea
- Grape and cranberry juices
- Dark soft drinks
- Beets
- Mustard
- Ketchup
- Curries
- And more…
A good rule of thumb is if it can stain your white shirt it can stain your teeth. We suggest rinsing your mouth with water after every few bites of food, and when possible consider using a straw to consume dark or acidic drinks.
Lifestyle Habits
Lifestyle habits can have a big impact on teeth health and appearance. Keeping healthy is a big part of that, including getting enough rest, reducing stress, eating a well-balanced diet, and getting enough exercise. Reducing or eliminating alcohol and tobacco use is also a major step you can take to keep your teeth shining bright.
Regular Dental Checkups and Cleanings
Aside from practising good oral hygiene at home, making sure you don’t miss your regularly scheduled dental checkups and semi-annual cleanings are important.
In the Perth, WA Area? – learn more about removing tooth stains and getting a brighter, whiter smile today!
Dr Vicky Ho of the Smile Design Studio offers a range of affordable, convenient, safe and effective ways to enhance your smile and restore its brilliant white radiance. Call or message today to set up an appointment.