When Is A Broken Tooth A Dental Emergency?

When Is A Broken Tooth A Dental Emergency?

Got a broken tooth and wondering if it’s a dental emergency? You’re in the right place. In this post, we’ll clear up the confusion about when a broken tooth needs urgent attention. We’ll start by identifying what really counts as a dental emergency. Next, we’ll guide you through the immediate actions and first aid for broken teeth, crucial for those first few moments. Understanding the extent and nature of tooth damage is key, as not all tooth issues are created equal. We’ll also look into your dental care and treatment options and when it’s time to seek professional dental assistance. Plus, we’ll cover preventive measures and long-term oral health to keep your smile in top shape. By the end, you’ll know exactly when to act and how to prevent future dental problems. Let’s get to it!   Is A Broken Tooth A Dental Emergency? A broken tooth can indeed be a dental emergency. When you crack or chip a tooth, it’s not just about the immediate discomfort or the appearance; it’s about preventing further damage that could lead to more serious dental issues. The severity of the break largely determines whether you need to rush to the dentist. A minor chip might not cause much pain and could wait for a regular appointment. However, if the break has left sharp edges or if there’s pain or bleeding, it’s time to call your dentist right away. In cases where a large piece of tooth has broken off or if the tooth is knocked out entirely, seeking immediate dental care is crucial. These situations can lead to infection or more extensive...
All On 4 Implants Or Individual Tooth Implants: The Differences

All On 4 Implants Or Individual Tooth Implants: The Differences

All on 4 implants and individual tooth implants are two popular options when it comes to restoring your smile. But what’s the difference between them, and how do you know which one is best for you? In this article, we’ll explore both types of implants and their key differences so that you can make an informed decision about which option is most suitable for your needs. When it comes to dental implants, many people don’t realize that there are multiple different kinds available — each with its own set of pros and cons. All on 4 implants offer a great solution for those who need more than one tooth replaced in the same area, while individual tooth implants might be better suited if you’re only missing a single tooth. It’s important to become familiar with the differences between these two types of implants before making any choices about treatment. We will look at all on 4 implants vs individual tooth implants and compare their advantages and disadvantages so that you can decide which option to choose based on your particular situation. Get ready to learn all about the differences between these two types of dental treatments! Overview Of Implants Dental implants are a popular and permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. Traditional implants involve surgically implanting a metal post into the jawbone, which is then used to support an artificial tooth or bridge. All on four implants provide an alternative option involving fewer posts. This procedure involves placing only four titanium posts in strategic locations around the mouth that can hold an entire arch of replacement teeth. Both traditional...
Am I Too Old For Dental Implants? Dental Implants For Seniors Guide

Am I Too Old For Dental Implants? Dental Implants For Seniors Guide

Are you a senior considering dental implants? If so, you may have some questions about the feasibility and safety of such a procedure. You’re not alone; many older adults are asking themselves “Am I too old for dental implants?” Fortunately, with advances in technology and medical care, seniors can now enjoy the benefits of dental implants safely and effectively. In this guide, we will discuss why age is no longer an obstacle to getting dental implants, their potential risks and benefits, as well as other important factors to consider when deciding if they’re right for you. Dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth or stabilize dentures that don’t fit securely. They provide a strong foundation for natural-looking artificial teeth that look just like real ones. As people get older, however, it’s common for them to experience bone loss due to age-related health issues such as osteoporosis or gum disease. This can make implant placement more challenging because the jawbone must be strong enough to support the implant post. Despite these challenges, it is possible for seniors over 70 years of age to receive implants successfully with careful planning and monitoring from their dentist or oral surgeon. By understanding how age affects your eligibility for dental implant surgery and being aware of any potential risks associated with the procedure, you can make an informed decision on whether or not dental implants are right for you. The information contained in this article will help equip you with knowledge needed to discuss your options with your healthcare provider and decide if dental implants are an appropriate solution for restoring your smile....
How Much do Dental Implants Cost in Australia?

How Much do Dental Implants Cost in Australia?

The All On Four dental implant technique revolutionized dentistry in the 1990s. For the first time, patients with low bone density were able to get dental implants safely and securely. But this is just one of the many types of dental implants available to patients. Whenever you lose one or more teeth as an adult, you can feel a wave of emotion. Will you ever be able to restore your smile and return to the way you once were? Maybe you know about dental implants, but how much do dental implants cost? In this article, we will walk you through everything you need to know about dental implant treatment, types of dental implants, and how to schedule dental surgery near you. What Is a Dental Implant? The dental implant is a fantastic cosmetic dentistry tool used to help restore the anatomy and function of one or more lost teeth. You can choose to get individual tooth implants or replace an entire set or row. Dental implants involve inserting a titanium screw into the underlying jaw or maxilla. After the screw has been embedded into the bone, an implant can be placed on top of the post that is sticking out. This allows for a very natural placement that makes it look like you never lost a tooth at all. How Much Do Dental Implants Cost? Cost is often one of the first considerations patients have when thinking about getting dental implants. Whether or not dental implants are desired because of decay, cavities, more acute trauma to the mouth, the cost is generally the same. The cost is typically a...
The Benefits of All-on-Four Dental Implants

The Benefits of All-on-Four Dental Implants

Are you suffering from severe tooth loss? Do you wear dentures, but wish there was a more permanent solution? We’ve got an amazing innovation to tell you about – all-on-four dental implants! All-on-four dental implants allow you to replace an entire arch, top or bottom, using only 4 dental implants! It’s a total dental solution that many people have been waiting a long time for – and there are so many benefits! Read on to learn how all-on-four dental implants can improve your life! A Full Set of Natural-Looking Teeth Would you love to have a full natural-looking smile? Would you like the confidence to smile again with a full mouth of straight teeth? All-on-four dental implants allow you to have that. During the dental implant procedure, four implants are strategically placed. They are embedded into the jawbone. Then, a full arch of teeth is fitted to the four implants. There is no need for an implant for each crown. The four implants can hold the entire arch securely in place. The porcelain crowns mimic the translucent appearance of natural teeth. In one procedure, you will gain a full set of teeth. You can have all-on-four dental implants on both the upper and lower jaw, for a complete, beautiful smile. Secure, Comfortable Teeth If you’ve been suffering from severe tooth loss, eating may have been very uncomfortable. Although dentures are a big help, they still do not provide the same security as natural teeth.  Dental implant treatment is the next best thing to having natural teeth. The dental implant anchors an arch of false teeth securely in place. This...
Tooth Technology: What Are Dental Implants?

Tooth Technology: What Are Dental Implants?

While children smile hundreds of times a day, adults only smile a fraction of the time. This is likely because adults feel more self-conscious about their smiles. So what do you do when you don’t like your smile? Is there a way to improve your smile, so you feel more confident and approachable?  Dental implants may be the solution you’re looking for! But what are dental implants, and how can they help? In this article, you’ll learn more about how you can get a sparkling smile with dental implants.  What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth. You lose teeth for a variety of reasons: trauma, accidents, and so forth, and it can have an impact on your self-esteem. Dental implants replace the missing teeth, giving your smile brilliance.  There are three parts of an implant. The first is the titanium implant itself, which is embedded into your jawbone. Then, you have the abutment, which acts as a hook to keep the third part of the implant – the crown or false tooth – in place.  There are also different types of implants. Depending on your needs, you can receive full-mouth implants, multiple implants, or single-tooth implants.  The Benefits of Dental Implants There are many benefits of getting dental implants.  First, dental implants look and feel like real teeth. They seamlessly blend in with your surrounding teeth, so people cannot tell which teeth are real and which ones are false.  Dental implants are easy to care for. They don’t require any special cleaning or adhesives. You can brush them and floss them like normal.  There are no restrictions on...