Invisalign FAQ

Common Questions Asked by our Patients About Invisalign

Everyone wants a great-looking smile with a perfect set of teeth. Invisalign has become the world’s most popular clear braces solution for correcting your smile – both from a cosmetic and functional perspective.

There are heaps of questions that people have about Invisalign, its benefits and why you should or should not have the treatment. We have compiled a list of commonly-asked questions about Invisalign to better inform you.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a series of clear, plastic custom-fitted aligners used to straighten the teeth. Designed using advanced 3D computer-imaging technology, these dental braces are customised to fit the wearer’s teeth and correct dental issues. They are removable, comfortable and almost invisible. These transparent dental braces are made from a patented thermoplastic which was created specifically for Invisalign treatment.


What are the benefits of Invisalign treatment?

One of the most obvious benefits of using Invisalign compared to traditional metal braces is the fact that it is virtually invisible. This means you can carry on with your regular daily activities and no one is likely to notice that you are wearing one at all. Also, it is less likely to irritate your mouth or potentially cause injury if it breaks. There are no brackets or wires involved which have the potential to irritate the inside of your mouth.

Invisalign is also more comfortable and fits perfectly. This is due to the material they are made of as well as their innovative design. They are built to fit your gum line and are trimmed so that they fit perfectly, appear normal and feel comfortable.


How many hours per day do you have to wear Invisalign?

Invisalign is more effective if it is worn for at least 22 hours per day. For best results, it is recommended that you have your clear aligners on throughout the day and when you sleep at night. They should be removed only when you want to eat, brush or when you want to floss.


Is Invisalign Painful?

Wearing Invisalign isn’t painful at all. However, it is possible that you experience slight discomfort for the first few days of using it. This is quite normal, but the feeling isn’t painful at all. Some users simply describe it as feeling a slight pressure on their teeth. This is bound to diminish over the next couple of days.


Can I drink while wearing Invisalign?

Drinking while wearing your Invisalign retainers isn’t recommended except when you are drinking water. This is important in order to avoid staining your aligners. For example, drinking hot tea when you have your aligners on will cause them to get stained and warped. Also, taking a sugary or alcoholic drink can cause a build-up of plaque on the aligners. Even a glass of wine glass will still stain the invisible braces. Soft drinks can also stain your aligners, not to mention it will sit on your teeth for longer.


How long does it take for Invisalign to straighten teeth?

The time it takes for Invisalign to completely straighten your teeth varies between individuals and depends mainly on the complexity of the case being treated. It’s generally between 6 and 18 months. You can speak with Dr Vicky or Dr Wang for a more accurate estimate of the treatment duration, based on their vast experience with treating cases similar to yours. If you wear your aligners less than the recommended 22 hours a day, then that will also extend the treatment time.