Good Oral Health for People of All Ages

Good Oral Health for People of All Ages

As baby boomers age, many of us are involved in their health care. Many people think of helping their parents with regards to housing and health care. Healthcare professionals advise patients to be pro-active in their attention to dental care. This advice is important for people of all ages especially for the long term health of individuals in their 60’s and beyond. Attention to one’s dental care will result in the avoidance of dental problems in one’s later years. The Cost of Dental Care for the Elderly in Perth WA Health funds may not offer a very good coverage for your elderly parents because, in general, it covers the basic dental needs. Much of adult dental care may come right out of their own pocket. One problem with not having a higher level of dental service coverage is that as people age, so does their previous dental work. Research has shown that people who don’t have good dental coverage are less likely to go to the dentist, and this can aggravate the problem of aging dental work. Oral Health in Your 50’s, 60’s and 70’s It’s always a good idea to see the dentist every six months, and even more important when a baby boomer is in their 50s. The concept of assessing dental work in their fifties, sixties and seventies wasn’t something most parents thought of, probably because the common solution for missing or severely decayed teeth was dentures. Seeing a set of dentures in a glass is associated with old people, but with today’s advanced dental technology, there is a better solution than dentures for the aging population....
What you Need to Know Before Getting a Smile Makeover

What you Need to Know Before Getting a Smile Makeover

We all deserve a beautiful smile that matches our personality. If you cringe every time you look in the mirror, or hide your teeth when smiling for photos, a smile makeover might be what you need to regain the confidence you once had. But before you do, there may be some steps Perth, AU patients need to take to ensure optimal results, faster healing and overall better oral health. Prioritizing Oral Health and Wellness for Perth, AU Patients At Smile Design Studio Dr Vicky Ho and her caring and compassionate team of dental professionals know just how important your oral health is for your overall state of well being. Oral health has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, pneumonia, endocarditis, pregnancy and birth complications, and more. Your oral health also plays a key role in what smile makeover procedures may be most appropriate, how quickly you’ll heal from those procedures, and the quality of the outcome. Oral Health Considerations Before a Smile Makeover Dental Checkup Before any smile makeover procedure, you’ll need to have a standard dental checkup. During this checkup, your dentist will evaluate your dental and medical history, ask about any issues or symptoms you may be experiencing, and conduct a thorough visual examination of your oral cavity. Your dentist will look for any signs or indications of gum inflammation or gum disease, cavities, tooth decay, cancer, and more. Any issues found would need to be addressed before a smile makeover. Failure to address any health issues prior to cosmetic ones could increase the risk of infection, poor outcomes or other complications. Imaging and Moulds (if appropriate)...
Composite Veneers: The Secret to Teeth That Wow

Composite Veneers: The Secret to Teeth That Wow

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, composite veneers may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Composite veneers are a type of dental veneer made from composite resin, a durable, tooth-colored material. Composite veneers can be used to correct a wide variety of cosmetic dental problems. This includes stained teeth, crooked teeth, and chipped or cracked teeth. They can also be used to improve the function of teeth that have been damaged by trauma or decay. Read on to learn more about how they could help you improve your smile! What Are Composite Veneers? Composite veneers, also known as composite resin dental veneers, are made from composite resin. It is a strong, tooth-colored material. The resin is made from a combination of harmless plastic and glass fibers, which are mixed with a resin matrix. Composite veneers may be used to improve the appearance of teeth. They can also be used to fill in spaces between teeth. Composite veneers are often less expensive than porcelain veneers, and they may be a good option for people who have allergies to porcelain. They are bonded to the teeth using a special dental adhesive. The process usually takes one or two visits to the dentist. Composite veneers are not as strong as porcelain veneers and may not be as durable. They may also discolor over time. Composite Veneers vs Porcelain Veneers When composite veneers were first introduced to the market, they were considered a great way of disguising an imperfect smile. However, composite veneers offered little in the way of durability and often failed after only a year or two....
The Ultimate Guide on Dental Veneers

The Ultimate Guide on Dental Veneers

In today’s world, you don’t need to be a celebrity to have a smile noteworthy of Hollywood. The art of cosmetic dentistry has come a long way since 1928 when Charles Pincus carried out the very first attempt at dental veneer placement. Nowadays, dental veneers are one of the most popular solutions to a range of dental issues — whether they’re cosmetic or related to your oral health. In fact, the global dental veneer market comes in at over $1.55 billion, indicating the popularity of this procedure — specifically, porcelain veneers.  Want to learn what all the fuss is about? Check out this guide on dental veneers for everything you need to know. Dental Veneers: What Exactly Are They? If you’re thinking about a dental veneer procedure, it’s imperative that you know what to expect, first. And with that, let’s take a look at what dental veneers actually are:  They are tooth-coloured, thin coverings that fit over your existing teeth  They’re comprised of resin or porcelain materials  They’re placed over visible parts of your tooth, only  The best thing about veneers is that they’re designed and manufactured to match the natural shape and colour of your teeth. So, in short, their general purpose is to improve the original version of your teeth. However, dental veneers can also help with improving dental health, overall.  It’s worth noting that dental veneers are not a solution to underlying oral health issues such as tooth trauma or decay. This is something you’ll need to remedy first, before opting for dental veneers.   You can choose to place veneers on multiple or singular teeth, depending...
What Are The Different Types of Dental Implants?

What Are The Different Types of Dental Implants?

Did you know that some adults have around 11 teeth that are missing, decayed, or filled? Many people who’ve lost teeth feel self-conscious about their smiles. They might also have problems eating and be more susceptible to developing oral hygiene problems.  You don’t have to live with missing teeth or a smile you don’t love. Many types of dental implants can improve the appearance and health of your smile. Dental implants can completely restore your smile, whether you’re missing one or multiple teeth.  This guide will discuss everything you need to know about dental implants. Work with your dentist to find the best option that helps you accomplish your goals.  What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants consist of artificial tooth roots and teeth. The artificial roots, or implants, get surgically implanted into the patient’s jawbone. They look like a screw, and they’re designed to bond with your jawbone.  Dental implants consist of three primary pieces: Implant Abutment Crown or fake tooth The artificial root supports the artificial tooth. The supporting tooth, or abutment, gets put between the crown and implant. The abutment works to connect the pieces.  What Are the Main Types of Dental Implants? There are a few types of dental implants that might work for you. What type you choose depends upon your needs and jawbone health.  Single Tooth Dental Implant A dental implant and crown are great replacements if you’re missing one tooth. A bridge might be considered another option instead of a dental implant. One of the downsides of getting a bridge is that the adjacent teeth need to get ground down so they can support...