How Are Porcelain Veneers Bonded To Teeth?

How Are Porcelain Veneers Bonded To Teeth?

Porcelain Veneers – A Step to Good Oral Health Care Porcelain Veneers are one of the treatments cosmetic dentists offer to make a person’s teeth look natural and change its appearance. Putting porcelain veneers will depend on the dentists assessment and recommendation, the patient’s decision to undergo with the procedure and the severity of the person’s teeth condition. There are cases where an individual does not want to wait for the time it takes to improve their teeth through orthodontics. Other people may have very bad teeth that would be impossible to fix by any other dental method. It’s always best to go to a highly trained and licensed dentist for this procedure because porcelain veneers are not considered a reversible form of treatment. It will take a highly skilled and knowledgeable dental professional to do the job well and care for the veneers’ lifespan. On the first visit, each tooth intended for reformation are made ready to take on the overlaying cast. This is done by filing the a small amount of the tooth’s surface or enamel usually .5mm off. To make the veneers flush with the pattern, an indent is then made which is used to construct the porcelain enclosure. The fabrication of the porcelain veneers may take up to one week. Expect some sensitivity to hot and cold between the preparation visit and the insertion visit. The newly formed veneers are tried to fit on the second visit. The dentist will make sure the look and appearance matches the client’s specifications. Any request for any adjustments during this stage is important. Modifications will require more invasive measures...
What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Do For My Self Confidence?

What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Do For My Self Confidence?

I am self-conscious of my smile. I am scared of pain. I don’t like dentists. If this does not apply to you, ignore this. If this is you, read on. How Dental Conditions Affect Your Smile Confidence Many clients come to us less than happy with their smile, but are too afraid to do anything about it. The most common complaints we have are : 1. Crooked teeth 2. Yellow teeth 3. Worn down or mis-shapened teeth. 4. Cracked or broken teeth 5. Missing teeth. Many think that because they have “big” problems with their teeth, they are doomed to spend months in a dental chair. Very often what they don’t realize, is major problems can be corrected in as easy as 2 treatment visits, and while they are sedated or unaware, so they actually experience a painless visit as they have little or no recollection of the experience afterwards. In other words, they feel like they went to sleep and woke up with a brand new smile! What Cosmetic Dentistry solutions are there to fix my dental problems? Crooked Teeth Invisalign : Clear or invisible braces that consist of a series of aligners that slip over the teeth and straighten the teeth without metal wires or brackets. These aligners are changed over every 2 weeks. Traditional Braces : Metal brackets and wires still have their place in creating a beautiful straight smile. The treatment time ranges depending on the range of problems that we have to correct. Porcelain Veneers : These are thin porcelain wafers that sit over the teeth and cover over the front of the teeth,...