New Year, New Smile

New Year, New Smile

With a new year often comes resolutions. Common goals include losing weight, making more money and looking more youthful. If you’d like to feel better about your appearance in 2021, a dazzling smile is a great place to start. Many research studies have shown just how much smiling impacts your emotional and mental health. However, if you don’t like the look of your smile, you may be less inclined to show off your teeth. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist in Perth has many ways to improve your smile, sometimes in just 1 or 2 visits. Smiling Increases Confidence and Happiness The benefits of smiling have been documented in numerous studies. Here’s how an improved smile can benefit you in 2021 and beyond: Happiness. Smiling makes you feel happier, even if you don’t feel like smiling. The simple act of smiling triggers chemicals in the brain that improve your mood. Researchers have even found that smiling stimulates the same areas of your brain as when you eat chocolate. Smile more, feel great! No chocolate needed! Stress reduction. Who doesn’t want less stress in their life as you leave behind the challenges of 2020 and head into 2021? The simple act of smiling can reduce the heart rate and other physiological responses to stress in difficult situations. How people respond to you. A nice smile can change the way people see you. If you like the way your teeth look, you tend to smile at other people, which in turn helps others see you as a more likeable person. A Cosmetic Dentist Can Help If you’ve been putting off doing something about...
4 Tips to Protect Your Brilliant Smile

4 Tips to Protect Your Brilliant Smile

Having a healthy smile is a reflection of your overall health. When teeth are bright and white, we feel better and we smile more. Studies have shown that smiling is a physical act that excites the brain to produce more “feel good” chemicals like dopamine. Smiling, especially when you have bright white teeth, has also been shown to give you that edge in professional and social success. If you want to keep your brilliant smile, you know there are many pitfalls that can dull your radiant smile. Here are four tips for preserving your awesome smile. Be Purposeful About Oral Care If you set the deliberate intention to protect your teeth from unnecessary harm, this encourages purposeful daily activities such as brushing and flossing. Not only that, when you focus on the task at hand and not rush through the process, your teeth and gums will appreciate it. If you occasionally use a home teeth whitening kit or use quality whitening you’ll roll back any stains from the occasional coffee or curry. Eating Just like we’ve heard it’s important to watch what we eat, it’s also important to watch how we eat. Unless you live in a bland food world, it’s tough to avoid food with deep colours. We may suggest that you use a straw when drinking tea, coffee, or soft drinks. Also, make it a habit to rinse out your mouth with water after eating a meal or drinking dark coloured drinks. Rinsing is better than brushing in this instance because your teeth enamel is usually softer after eating and may be susceptible to erosion from brushing....
Fixing Crooked Teeth With Porcelain Veneers

Fixing Crooked Teeth With Porcelain Veneers

When teeth are crooked or overlapping, you may think that the only remedy is with some form of orthodontic treatment. In some cases, this may be true. In other cases, porcelain veneers may be used to correct the appearance of crooked teeth. Here are some things that your Perth dentists will consider: Tooth Shape Cosmetic dental treatment with veneers can do quite a bit for your smile. When working with veneers, we take into account the overall shape and size of your teeth. We want each tooth to have a nice overall size, width, and shape at the end of the cosmetic process, so in order to fix an overlap or misalignment, it may be necessary to cover multiple teeth. A Bright White Smile Porcelain veneers can be made in almost any shade of white – to match your natural teeth colour, or even go much lighter. This means that you can correct some minor alignment issues and brighten up your smile! If you are looking into whitening and aligning your smile, we advise getting teeth whitening first so that the veneers on the treated teeth will match your new shade so that your natural tooth enamel and veneers all shine as bright as your personality. Porcelain has a benefit that it does not dull over time, so they will act as the new baseline shade for future maintenance. Facial Symmetry When you address cosmetic flaws in a smile, it does a lot for the whole face. When more teeth show as you smile, teeth no longer appear crowded. When teeth are properly spaced, sized, and shaped, the proportion...
Porcelain Vs. Composite Veneers

Porcelain Vs. Composite Veneers

Veneers are a simple and effective treatment to enhance your smile – to close up gaps, brighten your smile or even to fix a chipped tooth. There are two types of veneers that we use in our practice – porcelain and composite resin. Composite veneers be fitted in one visit, while porcelain veneers will be made in a laboratory and may take a couple of weeks to be ready for fitting. Porcelain is made from an organic natural glass material, whereas composites are made from a type of plastic artificial material.   Which One Looks Nicer? Over time, the composite may become stained since the material is slightly porous. The surface may also start to become a little dull as the surface is not as durable as porcelain. On the other hand, porcelain maintains its shine since it’s made from an extremely durable material, and the colour is consistent since it’s not made from a porous material. Composite resins will not shine up as much as porcelain, even when newly applied. If you tend to drink a lot of soft drinks or dark coloured food such as curries or berries, you may find that porcelain is the better choice. Choosing the Perfect Colour for Your Smile Composite material comes in limited shades of white, so your final colour may not be the desired shade, whereas with porcelain, there are an almost unlimited range of shades and characteristics. Porcelain can look just like your natural teeth using advanced ceramic layering techniques. The lab uses a highly controlled fabrication process to allow for precise measurements and consistency of colour. Composite material...
Uneven Smile? No Worries, Get a Smile Makeover

Uneven Smile? No Worries, Get a Smile Makeover

A Smile Makeover to Boost Self-confidence Advancement in dentistry has provided solutions for such cases – a smile makeover. Everyone is the same but are different altogether. Confusing? All humans are the same, everyone has the same anatomy or body parts. A set of eyes, pairs of arms, hands and legs, hair, head, mouth and set of teeth. But everyone knows that each individual is unique; different eye color, fingerprints are different and different set of teeth. Some are born to have a good set of teeth and some are not so lucky. A person with crooked teeth, uneven smile, discolored or worn out teeth can have the best treatment available by going through a smile makeover. Initially, the dentist will asses the clients’ teeth condition and make suggestions about the possible treatments. Usually, traditional braces or orthodontics may be suggested depending on the teeth’s crookedness or its shape. All information will be discussed and it will depend on the client which treatment he/she prefers. Traditional orthodontics will take years for the natural teeth to be corrected. Now if a patient prefers to have a quick fix and wants to totally change the appearance of their teeth and change their smile, porcelain veneers for that smile makeover are good options. Having porcelain veneers is not considered a reversible treatment. It requires approximately .5mm of tooth reduction. Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic enamel colored shells that are bonded to the teeth. Porcelain is a durable material and not susceptible to decay and resists staining. The procedure requires little or no anesthesia. Is Anything Else Needed To Do a Smile Makeover?...
Perth Cosmetic Dentist Explains The Things You Should Know To Help You Decide If Porcelain Veneers Are For You

Perth Cosmetic Dentist Explains The Things You Should Know To Help You Decide If Porcelain Veneers Are For You

What Are Porcelain Veneers? Porcelain veneers are thin “wafers” of porcelain that sit over your teeth. They are custom made to fit each tooth precisely so that they fit seamlessly on each tooth without an “edge.” They have all the characteristics of a tooth, from color graduations, natural textures, white spots, translucency, and whatever character you want in a tooth. You choose the color that you want your tooth to be and this is permanent. The porcelain does not discolor over time. They let light through so do not appear opaque, but very natural like a natural, unrestored tooth. What Can Porcelain Veneers Do For Your Smile? Build up worn down teeth so they are longer again. Make crooked teeth appear straight They can change the shape size, proportions of teeth They can close gaps They can build up broken teeth. They can make teeth white permanently. Build out narrow smiles Make gummy smiles less gummy with laser gum lifting What Is Involved In Getting Porcelain Veneers ? For you, the patient : Pick your dream smile. Let us know what you want, what your goals are, and we will help you achieve what you want. We will sit with you and design your smile with you so you get what you want in the end. View the Mock ups that we prepare for you so you can see the result before we even begin. We will get the mock ups as close to what you envisage as your dream smile before we even begin so you have a good idea what you will look like before you even...