Mail Order Orthodontics vs. Invisalign

Mail Order Orthodontics vs. Invisalign

Orthodontic Treatment Orthodontics have long been the ideal treatment for misaligned teeth, gaps, crossbites, overbites and more. In the past, traditional metal braces tightened with wires were the norm. Today, advancements in modern dentistry offer new, discreet and more comfortable ways to align your teeth and get you showing off that smile again in no time. At Smile Design Studio, Dr Vicky Ho and her team of dental professionals help patients understand their options and what might be the most affordable, safe, fast and effective way to get them the results they desire. One such option is the use of clear aligners, such as Invisalign. But with TV commercials and internet ads pushing ‘mail order’ orthodontics, many patients in the greater Perth, WA area are confused about whether or not these ‘mail order’ orthodontics are safe and effective? Clear Aligners Clear aligners offer a discreet, comfortable, fast and reliable way to achieve similar or better results as compared to traditional metal braces. This orthodontic treatment involves the fabrication of a custom set of clear aligner trays that are virtually unnoticeable, and that can be removed when eating and drinking.  Invisalign When it comes to clear aligners, Invisalign reigns supreme, having successfully treated tens of millions of patients worldwide. From simple alignment to complex shifting of teeth into position, Invisalign clear aligners can often produce faster results than braces, at a similar price point, with results in as little as six months. Mail Order Orthodontics Mail in orthodontics offers the promise of flexibility and convenience, with no visit necessary to an orthodontist. However, this convenience comes at a potentially large...
Veneers or Orthodontic Treatment?

Veneers or Orthodontic Treatment?

Do you have misaligned teeth? Self-conscious about how your smile looks in photos or find yourself covering your mouth when laughing? At Smile Design Studio we believe that everyone deserves a healthy, happy smile that they can be proud of. If you’ve been suffering in silence, now is the time to explore fast, affordable and effective solutions to transform your smile and help you live your best life. One question our Perth, WA area patients often ask is whether veneers or orthodontic treatment is the right option for them. Although every situation is unique, below we’ll cover some pros and cons of each. Orthodontics Orthodontics, such as traditional braces, clear aligners and Invisalign are a popular treatment option to straighten misaligned teeth. Benefits of Orthodontics The end result is a proper bite that makes eating and chewing easier. Optimal alignment of teeth results in an aesthetically pleasing and uniform smile. Proper alignment and spacing of teeth ensure optimal gum and tooth health. The end result makes cleaning and routine oral hygiene easier and more effective. Can prevent further complications down the road. Can reduce wear and strain on teeth and the jaw. Popular orthodontic options include clear aligners (such as Invisalign), which are both comfortable and discreet, as well as traditional metal braces. Cons of Orthodontics Treatment can last 6-9 months or longer Orthodontics can be more expensive Not suitable for all patients Veneers Damaged and misaligned teeth can be quickly addressed with either composite or porcelain veneers. These thin, custom-made covers fit right over your existing teeth. Carefully crafted to match your own teeth, mouth, desired shape and...
Maintaining Your New Smile After Invisalign

Maintaining Your New Smile After Invisalign

Congratulations! You’ve now joined thousands of individuals across Perth and the millions around the world who have experienced the incredible results of Invisalign clear aligners. This was a big first step in transforming your smile, and restoring the optimal alignment of your pearly whites. But what’s next? Turns out, your journey isn’t over just yet. There are steps you’ll need to take to ensure your teeth remain in the proper position over time. Invisalign Aftercare As far as clear aligners go, Invisalign is the crème de la crème. Invisalign clear aligners have helped millions of individuals get the smile they deserve, while improving their overall oral health and wellness. Despite being comfortable, affordable, fast and reliable, Invisalign does require aftercare to ensure those newfound results last for years to come. Failure to do so could result in what is known as ‘regression’, or a shifting of your teeth back out of position. Why It’s Necessary  Invisalign clear retainers exert a gentle consistent pressure or force on targeted teeth, helping them gradually and comfortably shift into optimal position, improving bite, aesthetics and oral health. Although we see the changes visually, structural changes and adaptations are happening on the cellular level, impacting tissues, periodontal ligaments, alveolar bone and more.  When treatment is over, the assistance from clear aligners is notably absent, and a ‘retention’ phase is necessary in the orthodontic treatment process.  Retainer Phase At the end of your Invisalign treatment, you will graduate to the use of a retainer. This retainer aids in supporting the teeth in their desired position, and aids with minimising age-related structural changes to the teeth,...
Too Old to Straighten Your Smile?

Too Old to Straighten Your Smile?

It’s a common misconception that as an adult you might be too old to straighten your smile. Yet many adults in the Perth, WA area shudder at the thought of unsightly and uncomfortable metal braces. The good news is that Dr Vicky Ho and the team at Smile Design Studio are here to help. Old, painful and (admittedly) not very aesthetic braces of the past are out! Invisalign orthodontics are in. Reach out to our friendly team today to find out more about how these nearly invisible orthodontics can comfortably straighten your teeth like an arrow. Orthodontics, As An Adult? Although the ideal time to straighten your teeth is during the developmental stages of your teeth, mouth and gums, that doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve fantastic results as an adult. New technology has come a long way in the advancement of highly effective, affordable and virtually invisible orthodontics for adults of all ages. If you’ve been suffering with crooked or uneven teeth as an adult and think you’re too old to get help, think again! Invisalign Forget everything you thought you knew about braces and open up your mind to the idea of perfectly straight, aligned and beautiful teeth without the downsides of traditional orthodontics. Invisalign represents the latest and greatest in orthodontics for adults, offering a clear, comfortable and effective alternative to metal braces. Utilising a progressive series of (virtually) invisible aligners, Invisalign works to gently and consistently apply pressure and pull teeth into the optimal position. Each set of removable aligners is custom-tailored to help you achieve the best possible results, taking into consideration your unique...
Braces and Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Braces and Adult Orthodontic Treatment

If you missed your chance to have have braces as a teenager, you might think you have to live with wonky misaligned teeth, or suffer with a mouth full metal brackets and wires. With modern orthodontic options such as Invisalign clear aligners, you can have the straight teeth you always wanted without the pain or embarrassment of traditional braces. Invisalign and Your Lifestyle Most adults don’t look forward to the idea of traditional bracket and wire braces and the frequent (sometimes painful) trips to the dentist office. With Invisalign, the process and experience is totally different. After your initial smile assessment, you’ll receive a set of clear plastic aligners – one for your top teeth and another for the lower teeth. Each tray is worn for a couple of weeks, which moves your teeth ever so slightly, then you’ll swap it out for a new tray. With each new tray, your teeth are gently nudges into the desired position. Since the aligners are made of clear plastic, they are virtually undetectable, so your friends and coworkers probably won’t even be aware you are having your teeth straightened. There are no food restrictions, unlike you would have with traditional braces, since you remove the aligners for eating and cleaning your teeth. Another positive is that you can brush and floss normally. We recommend you wear your Invisalign aligners for a minimum of 22 hours per day to ensure a successful and quick treatment. If you need to take them out for a special photograph for example, that’s fine, as long as you pop them back over your teeth when it’s...
Invisalign vs Traditional Braces

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces

In our Perth dental clinic, Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment choice for many of our adult and teenager patients. Invisalign is a popular and proven choice for tooth straightening due to their nearly invisible appearance, however, the benefits go far beyond the aesthetics. In this article, we shed light on additional benefits of Invisalign. Invisalign Doesn’t Stain Your Teeth When traditional braces are placed on the surface of your teeth, discolouration or staining can occur around the site of the brackets and wires, especially if the braces remain glued to your teeth for extended periods of time. Basic oral hygiene like brushing and flossing is difficult due to the wires and brackets getting in the way, which could make your teeth more prone to staining from food and drink. Because Invisalign trays are temporarily placed over your teeth, they do don’t need any glue or other bonding, and thus don’t cause discolouration. Because the aligner trays can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing, it’s much easier to clean away all the plaque and bits of stain causing debris. Fewer and Shorter Trips to the Dentist Traditional metal braces require a significant amount of maintenance, including routine visits to your orthodontist. These frequent trips are crucial for maximising the treatment. With Invisalign, there is no tightening or adjusting needed. Simply swap out the invisalign trays every few weeks as determined by Dr Vicky and her team. We can even provide several sets of trays at one time to help minimise the number of trips to the office. Just make sure to wear each set of aligners for...